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Mehedi Hasan Nahid

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Facebook Advertising

Cyber Panthers > Facebook Advertising

Facebook Advertising

Social media has been found to be the most influential digital advertising channel for getting more impressions, clicks, and conversions. Facebook in particular is our focus of interest — in some cases, upto 7x cheaper than the next most affordable social media ads channel. We’d love to make it easy for you to get up and running with Facebook Ads.
Here are a few reasons why FB Ads are an attractive deal for businesses:

  • Audience size: Facebook now boasts over 1.13 billion daily active users – 1.03 billion of which access the social network via mobile devices.
  • Attention: People spend a lot of time on social networks. The average user spends about 50 minutes just on Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger every day.
  • Organic reach decline: Organic reach on Facebook has been in decline for a few years now and has almost hit zero. If you want to break the barrier, Facebook is all but a pay-to-play network.
  • Targeting: The targeting possibilities within Facebook Ads are fantastic. Businesses can target users by location, demographics, age, gender, interests, behavior, and much more.